Boating - looking ahead at 2021 & beyond
/Some 14 people made the trip on the Shenandoah River last June. Shenandoah River Outfitters handled it all easily with first-rate gear. See our report on this trip and others here.
The WSC Boating Group has evolved over the last two years. We had some great, fun trips. The focus is now on river trips relying on the gear and services of professional outfitters in the area. The club no longer has a kayak trailer or boats and the interest in flat water paddles has fallen off (but could return).
We have worked up a new plan to get WSC members on the water more often. This plan should work for us starting now and should work in the coming years as well. This comes from building on what we've learned and being inspired by the new scope-of-activities developed by the WSC Biking Group. The plan:
Beside WSC organized floating, consider also:
1. Go as an informal group.
Any WSC member can put together an unofficial group river trip on their own. The Wintergreen Sporting Club can assist.
We've found that using professional outfitters makes planning and organizing a river trip easy for most anyone. Outfitters appreciate groups such as the WSC bringing them customers.
The WSC's email system and website make it easy for members to bring together your Wintergreen friends and neighbors. A member can simply pick an outfitter, get their details, and a date and time to show up. The WSC will announce your plans to the boating membership. Some area outfitters offer an online registration system for families or informal groups which makes it even easier to coordinate a trip. All outfitters offer maps and details on the rivers they serve.
(Feel free to use “boating” to include a tubing float, paddleboarding, or canoeing. Even a picnic to nearby lakes with an inner tube can be boating, too.)
After your trip, if you send in some photographs with a few details, WSC can share your experience with the club on its website.
2. Just go.
While they are not "WSC approved," the club does now have some experience with some very good outfitters near Wintergreen. (See the reports here.)
So, check out these river runners' websites and plan your own trip. Then, afterward, send in a few photos with details and WSC can share it with the membership.
Area Outfitters
James River Runners
Scottsville, Va.
Kayaking, canoeing, tubing, and rafting
Twin River Outfitters and James River Kayaking & Tubing
Buchanan, Va.
Kayaking, canoeing, and tubing
Rivanna River Company
Charlottesville, Va.
Kayaking, canoeing, and tubing
Shenandoah River Outfitters
Luray, Va.
Kayaking, canoeing, tubing, and rafting
James River Reeling & Rafting
Scottsville, Va.
Kayaking, canoeing, tubing, and rafting