Trout very responsive reports Chris Corish
/WSC members Lenlee and Chris Corish live on Trout Pond and are providing first-rate reports. Chris and two of their out of town guests has a great time on the pond on the first weekend in March.
“Twenty six trout and two bass were caught on Saturday, all safely returned to the water.,” says Chris. “Most the trout were 12 to 16 inches long. All looked extremely healthy. We mostly used spinning gear with small gold spoons and rooster tail spinners with single barbless hooks. We tried fly fishing with little success.
“I also caught (and released) six trout Friday and six on Monday, fishing solo,” he adds.
“The trout have been breaking the water in large numbers mid-morning and sporadically at other times of the day. So far has be no evidence of illegal fishing or predatory birds.”
Chris Corish