Results from the 2019 Fall Bass Fishing Tournament
/Bruce Henderson’s prize-winning bass.
The Fall Bass Fishing Tournament was, again, a great event. Held on Saturday afternoon, October 12, 2019, some eleven contestants had a good time fishing on a perfect fishing day–cool but not cold, slightly overcast.
The ponds held hungry bass working to fatten up for the upcoming cold winter months. Everyone caught fish. It was a fun and enjoyable afternoon on The Ponds of Wintergreen.
The tournament was a success though we had hoped for more contestants from the Sporting Club's Fishing Group, but this time of year in the Wintergreen area many fun events are calling for attention.
Bruce Henderson caught the first place Bass, a nice 1.9 lb bass. Tom Patti came in a very close second with a 1.75 pounder and one of our guests visiting the resort, 11-year-old Robert who came with his Mom and brother, caught a 1.5 pounder which was the largest Bass he's ever caught. This made the day for him and for everyone else, too. Robert’s Mom took a photo of him and his catch but she left before we could exchange email addresses to get a copy of the picture of his catch.
The rules were simple: artificial lures only, all fishing must be from shore (no kayaks or Jon boats). Contestants could fish any Stoney Creek pond. Those fishing in the contest used their own scale or borrowed one of ours, taking a photo from their phone of each catch. Join us next year for our Spring 2020 Bass Tournament.