Minutes from the Annual Meeting of the Wintergreen Sporting Club, October 27, 2018
/Wintergreen Sporting Club Meeting October 27th, 2018
John Tani’s two-year term as Wintergreen Sporting Club president officially ended at the fall meeting.
Meeting was called to order by WSC President John Tani at 5:10 PM. Board members in attendance: John Tani and Robin Pullen, Secretary.
Meeting Minutes: Robin asked if there were any additions or corrections to the minutes from April 7th, 2018 meeting that had been previously sent out to the membership. There were no comments and John called for a motion to accept the meeting minutes. A motion was made and seconded to accept the minutes. The minutes were approved by vote.
Treasurer’s Report:
John Tani gave the treasurer report in the absence of Bruce Henderson.
-the balance is $7636 prior to the costs of the dinner
-the largest expenditure is the membership dinner, other expenditures include:
-archery had additional equipment, upgrades and maintenance costs
-fishing: trout, trees, cinder blocks, signs for the ponds
-boating: retitling of the boat trailer and registration
-rifle and pistol expense: membership fee for group lead at Rivanna Rifle &Pistol Club
-biking: graphic design for tee shirt
-various office material expenses
-A motion to accept the treasurer’s report as presented was made and seconded. The treasurer report was approved.
Interest Group Reports
Archery: Mike Capps
-Season was April to October ending in a tournament and picnic
-there are 12 regular archers that meet 6 times a month, 4 times at the practice range on Wednesdays and twice a month at the field range on Sundays – unfortunately the rain this past season caused some practices to be cancelled
-this year the Rodes Farm practice range was dedicated in memory of Jerry Rendich and a sign has been stating such
-a 6th lane was added at the practice range -there are 2 mobile stands
-John Tani built 7 new stands to hold equipment at the practice range – there was a stand on display
-equipment for beginners is available for use
-Archery Co-lead David Proctor and Keith Smith weed-wacked the lanes through the summer to keep the path between the targets and the stands open
-Ron Cote and Keith Smith blew leaves from the lanes at the field range at the beginning of the season
-the second annual tournament results were Lenlee Cornish first place and Keith Smith received honorable mention.
-weather permitting there may be impromptu practice sessions yet this year
Biking: Dennis Bryant
-trips this year included: Virginia Capital Trail along the James River from Richmond to Williamsburg biking past plantations, a downhill ride by an old railroad track in Abington, and a “bike-less ride” in July due to inclement weather at Devil’s Backbone
-Tee shirts have a picture of the mountains surrounded by a sprocket as well as the latitude and longitude of Wintergreen on the back of the shirt
-to place an order for shirts, 10 must be ordered at a cost of $25 per
-group enjoyed exercise and socialization – some trips included wine, dinner and even theater
-the 3 aims of the group – safety and healthy biking for all ages and abilities, opportunities for planning, socialize and meet new friends
-biking with the group gives you exercise, allows you to enjoy beautiful scenery, and gives you the opportunity to make new friends
-a plea was made for someone to represent the biking group at the sporting table at the WPOA meeting
Boating: Charles Batchelor
-currently there is no lead or leaders for the group, but some members would like to see it continue.
-Charles will coordinate an organizational meeting and put people together in the Spring.
Fishing: John Tani and Ron Cote
Bruce Henderson semi-retired as the fishing lead in August. The following are contacts for each activity:
A. Monthly Conclave coordinator- Ron Cote'
B. Education Coordinators- Bruce Henderson/John Tani
C. Event Coordinators- Bob Keenan/Ron Cote'
D. Pond Habitat Improvements- Jerry Gress/ George Cipra/ Chris Corish
Ron- Fishing Events:
-fall bass tournament was cancelled due to conflicts and weather, next tournament will be in the spring 2019
-there was a successful fishing outing with Adipsy families
-monthly conclaves are held at Wild Wolf where up to 20 fishermen may show up – a lot of “fish stories” are told
John- Fishing education:
-a group of members took a trip to Canada to fish
-in late spring Mike Fisher and Al Simpson gave a class on fly fishing and casting
-the fly-tying class was cancelled due to lack of interest
-early summer there was a beginners fly casting class
-in the fall, Carson from Albemarle Angler gave a class on fly casting techniques. A 10% discount is offered by the shop.
Rifle and Pistol: lead Ron Cote
-the group meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays at 10AM.
-most trips are to Rivanna Rifle and Pistol Club at which several members have a membership.
-rain made it difficult to use the outside ranges over the summer and the indoor range limits the types of firearms that can be used.
-lunch is usually at Dr. Ho’s.
-other shooting venues are being investigated.
Shotgun: Lori Young
-the venue used is Flying Rabbit in Mount Crawford -the group meets 2nd and 4th Fridays at 9 AM
-there are 3 stations – 5 stand, wobble, and sporting clays -the group then has lunch together before returning
Election of new president
The floor was open to nominations. Bruce Henderson had previously nominated Ron Cote. No other nominations were made. A vote was taken, and Ron was elected the new club president.
Guest Speaker
John introduced Christy McCloud.
Good and Welfare:
Robin, the club secretary, brought up a few additional points
1) The sporting club will have a table at the WPOA meeting and it would be great if a representative from each specialty group could be there to answer questions.
2) A reminder to group leads to make sure waivers are signed when non-members join an activity. Waivers should be given to Robin to have on file.
3) Business cards were made available for members to give to potential members. 4) Recycle containers were made available for glass, plastic and cans.
5) Members were asked to help put away tables and chairs at the end of the night.
6) Thanks to Judy Rendich and the social committee for making the arrangements for the dinner from Dr. Ho’s, setting up the room and serving the meal.
7) Spring meeting is March 30th, 2019. The treasurer position will be up for a vote at that time. Nominations for treasurer will be called for prior to that meeting.
8) Just a reminder that dues are due in January.
9) John Tani was thanked for his contributions to the club during his 3-year term and presented with a life membership card, a gift certificate and a cake.
Meeting adjourned at 5:55 PM
Respectfully submitted,
Robin Pullen
Secretary, Wintergreen Sporting Club
November 2018