Social Committee Report on 2016–Excellent Turnout, More Events Planned
/2016 WSC Chili Cook-Off Champions (L to R): VICKI KEENAN FOR MOST UNUSUAL., Bob Hughes for Hell on Wheels Hottest, and PAT SCHULTE FOR BEST OVERALL CHILI.
The WSC social committee (currently consisting of Bob Hughes, Carol and Elliot Dworin, Mimi and Ron Soltau, Pat Hughes, Pat Harvey, Odette Henderson and Judy and Jerry Rendich) met back in January to brainstorm ideas and put together some social events for WSC members – the key point being to have fun and for members to get acquainted with other members whom they might otherwise not know. The results have been encouraging!
"Got Dumplings" did a Great Job at the Spring Meeting.
- At the club's bi-annual meeting last spring Mimi and Ron Soltau arranged to bring in “Got Dumplings”, a food service truck with a yummy menu to which Stu Harvey paired some excellent wines. Over 60 people attended this event at the Tuckahoe Clubhouse.
- Last year’s Chili Cook-off was so well received that we decided to do it again this year at the annual meeting. We had about 11 chili chefs, with almost 60 attending.
- Bob and Pat Hughes came up with the idea of packing up our kayaks and paddling over in the Chincoteague area – we had a ball for two solid days.
- We had hoped to have a Hawaiian-style beach party at Lake Monocan this summer but, unfortunately, there were too many conflicting community activities planned for the same date so we put that idea on the back burner – perhaps next year at our May meeting?
Other ideas on our radar include a blind wine tasting party, a soup or fondue party, a mystery theater, a cheese-and-beer blowout or other culinary & wine gatherings where everyone brings a dish to share. Suggestions from our other members will be welcomed! –Judy Rendich, WSC Social Committee Lead